**Last updated:
**1. BASIC
1. Website – a
publicly accessible website located on the Internet at: www.енотдруг.рф or
2. Application –
a mobile application for iOS or Android operating systems under the brand name
“ENOT” or LeCoon.
3. User – an
individual or legal entity that provides personal information via the Feedback
Form on the website or by filling in the relevant fields in the application for
the purpose of transferring data to the Administration of the
4. Feedback Form
– a special form where the User provides personal information to be transmitted
to the Administration of the Website/Application.
1. This Privacy
Policy is an official standard document of the Administration of the
Website/Application and defines the procedure for processing and protecting
information about individuals and legal entities using the Feedback Form on the
Website and/or in the Application.
2. The purpose
of this Privacy Policy is to ensure proper protection of information about the
User, including personal data, from unauthorized access and disclosure.
3. Relations
related to the collection, storage, distribution, and protection of user
information are governed by this Privacy Policy and the current legislation of
the Russian Federation.
4. The current
version of the Privacy Policy is a public document developed by the
Administration of the Website/Application and is available to any User of the
Internet and/or Application via the hyperlink "Privacy Policy."
5. The
Administration of the Website/Application has the right to make changes to this
Privacy Policy.
6. When changes
are made to the Privacy Policy, the Administration of the Website/Application
notifies the User by posting the new version of the Privacy Policy on the
website www.енотдруг.рф or
https://poseli.store/ and/or in the “ENOT” or LeCoon
7. When a new
version of the Privacy Policy is posted on the Website and/or in the
Application, the previous version is stored in the archives of the
documentation of the Administration of the Website/Application.
8. By using the
Feedback Form, the User agrees to the terms of this Privacy Policy.
9. The
Administration of the Website does not verify the accuracy of the information
provided (collected) about the User.
1. The User's
personal data such as name, surname, patronymic, email, phone, Skype, etc., are
transferred by the User to the Administration of the Website/Application with
the User's consent.
2. The transfer
of personal data by the User to the Administration of the Website/Application
through the Feedback Form means the User consents to the transfer of their
personal data.
3. The Website
Administration processes information about the User, including their personal
data such as name, surname, patronymic, email, phone, Skype, etc., as well as
additional information provided by the User voluntarily: city, age, gender,
etc., to fulfill obligations to the User of the Website/Application.
4. When
configuring a toy, the server receives the user's geolocation data, which are
not used further. The toy configuration is impossible without receiving
geolocation data.
5. After
configuration, geolocation data are neither requested nor used.
6. The
processing of personal data is based on principles of:
1. Legality of the purposes and methods of
processing personal data and good faith;
2. Compliance of the purposes of processing
personal data with the purposes previously defined and stated when collecting
personal data;
3. Compliance of the volume and nature of
the processed personal data with the methods of processing personal data and
the purposes of processing personal data;
4. The inadmissibility of combining
databases containing personal data created for incompatible purposes.
7. The
Administration of the Website/Application processes the User's personal data
with their consent to provide services/sell goods offered on the Website and/or
in the Application.
1. The User's
personal data are stored exclusively on electronic media and are used strictly
for the purpose specified in clause 3 of this Privacy Policy.
1. The User's
personal data are not transferred to any third parties except as expressly
provided for in this Privacy Policy and as stated in the Subscription
2. The provision
of the User's personal data at the request of government authorities and local
governments is carried out in accordance with the legislation of the Russian
1. The User's
personal data are stored on the electronic medium of the website indefinitely.
2. The User's
personal data are destroyed at the User's request based on their request or at
the initiative of the Site Administrator without explaining the reasons by
deleting the information posted by the User by the Administration of the
**7. USERS'
1. Users have
the right, based on a request, to receive information from the Administration
of the Website/Application regarding the processing of their personal data.
1. The
Administrator of the Website/Application takes technical and
organizational-legal measures to ensure the protection of the User's personal
data from unlawful or accidental access, destruction, alteration, blocking,
copying, distribution, as well as from other illegal actions.
**9. USERS'
1. The User has
the right to send requests to the Administration of the Website/Application,
including those regarding the use/deletion of their personal data provided for
in clause 3 of this Privacy Policy, in writing to the address specified in
clause 1.
2. The request
sent by the User should contain the following information:
- For an individual:
- The number of the main document
certifying the identity of the User or their representative;
- Information on the date of issuance of
the specified document and the issuing authority;
- Date of registration through the
Feedback Form;
- The text of the request in free form;
- Signature of the User or their
- For a legal entity:
- A free-form request on official
- Date of registration through the
Feedback Form;
- The request must be signed by an
authorized person with documents confirming the authority of the person
3. The
Administration of the Website/Application undertakes to review and send a
response to the User's request within 30 days from the date of receipt of the
4. All
correspondence received by the Administration from the User (requests in
written/electronic form) is classified as restricted access information and
cannot be disclosed without the User's written consent. Personal data and other
information about the User who sent the request cannot be used without the
User's special consent otherwise than to respond to the subject of the received
request or in cases expressly provided for by law.